
Showing posts from January, 2025

Visiting & Shopping Day

 Set off yesterday to visit my friend in Exeter. Her greenhouse door smashed in the last storm so OH went to collect the glass and fix it for her. Had a nice chat and piece of her lovely homemade cake. We took the dogs with us and she spoilt them with pieces of ham lol. Today, we went shopping this afternoon to re-stock the fridge and cupboards now that everyone has left. I was going to buy stewing steak to make a beef stew but it was so expensive that I chose a beef brisket joint instead.  That will make 2 meals - a roast and the stew. Lots of veg on offer in Lidl which was a bonus. We called in Sainsburys for a few things they don't stock.  Menu this week is pasta with chorizo, lardons, creme fraise and courgettes. Roast chicken, beef stew with dumplings, curry and rice, cauliflower cheese with chips and tomatoes. We try to have 1 vegetarian meal every week. OH will probably have fish one day while I'll have omelette as I'm not fond of fish. I don't usually menu plan ...

Politics and Bills

 Had a really nice meal last night at the Indian Restaurant. Son is helping OH cook cottage pie atm for tonight's dinner. He's all packed up and leaving after. Today I'm having a lazy day, sat in a warm tracksuit and not doing anything much. I've managed to pack up 3 parcels I've sold on EB, labels printed ready to send tomorrow. Messaged daughter and chatted with her. She's asking when we're coming to visit again - umm not yet. I think we definitely need a week on our own at least. It's been non stop family visiting since before Xmas. Tomorrow I'm doing some much needed housework and decluttering, then we're off to visit my friend for the afternoon. Haven't seen her since before Christmas so will be great to catch up. Watched the inauguration of Donald Trump on TV, the new American president. I'm pretty neutral about him to be honest, but some of his policies seem good, like getting rid of drug gangs, bringing down the cost of living, se...

Catching Up

 Daughter left on New Year's Eve with granddaughter so we were on our own ..... for 4 days, then son came back for 2 nights. He returned on the 9th as he has annual leave to take. It was a good idea due to his work drying up for a few weeks. Others in his team will be doing general maintenance to make up hours. It's nice having him here as he helps out around the house and is a very tidy person. We went for a meal at the local Indian restaurant to celebrate son's birthday last week. It was a few days late as he was working on his actual birthday this year. Really nice food there at a reasonable price. The restaurant used to be a steak house when we first moved here 5 years ago but they sold up and moved to Cornwall. It was the best steak I've ever had so we were sorry they left. Still, the Indian is very good food too. On the subject of food our localish kebab takeaway has gone down hill!  Very small portions now compared to 6 months ago when it was brilliant. Very litt...