Our Move

        Our 2 dogs mum and daughter

Welcome to my new blog all about life in sunny Devon. We finally moved here in November 2019 and it didn't go smoothly to say the least. We looked at many houses and bungalows, had a buyer for our house and rented cheap storage to bring down boxes and move slowly. We had a date agreed with the buyer and a moving date for the new house but our buyer wanted it 2 weeks earlier and then our new house was put forward for a week leaving us homeless for 3 weeks with a pregnant dog. We moved in with daughter for a week and then lived in our touring caravan for a fortnight. Ten days after we moved in our lovely dog had 7 puppies. We took the door off of the understairs cupboard, lined the walls with hard clear plastic sheets, and she had them in there. Not ideal but best we could do in 10 days.

The lockdown for covid came 4 months later but it didn't really affect us as we had nice neighbours to talk to, dog was walked during the 1 hour exercise allowed, and son was ill so moved in with us for several months. Thankfully all the puppies found great homes except for one which we kept see pic above. Mum is brown daughter is white and brown.

That's all for now, will write more about it soon. All the best

Sally x 


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