A Day at the Office

 Well I'm reading a lot online about people decluttering, so I decided to spend some time sorting out the spare bedroom AKA the office. My new Ikea unit has been put together and fixed to the wall so it doesn't fall over when family stay. Just right for me to sort the junk into it. I should say daughter's junk as I only have about 5 items for sale that are mine.

Behind the door was a large box, about 3ft x 4ft, that I decided to open. It's not been opened since we moved over 3 years ago. Inside was my bone china collection that I started in the 70s. It used to look nice on the Welsh Dresser but we gave that to a friend for an upcycle project when we moved. OH packed it all carefully with about 20 newspapers. So  crazy as I am, I decided to unpack it all. Now I'm knee deep in newspapers all over the floor, and various items of china are all over the king size bed, my desk, the printer, and the bedside table. I've managed to list 14 items on ebay but there are over 80 items including dishes, veg dishes, 3 sizes of plates, jugs teapots etc. I gave up at 6.30pm as my back started hurting but hey ho tomorrow is another day. Decided not to wash it until it sells. I think the best thing to do is wrap carefully in bubble wrap, and put say a dozen items in a box with a contents list. Otherwise, if I re-wrap everything in newspapers I'll be hours finding it again in the huge box.

I was interrupted twice by 3 little girls, primary school age, knocking the door. They were carrying a box with sweets in and asked if I needed any food!! They said slushies £2 and flowers £1. I didn't buy but wished them luck. So different from the large city we moved from. There, kids almost always have an adult with them and parents arrange playdates. Kids are rarely out playing alone.

Bye for now. All the best x


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