Busy Day In & Out

 Following on from yesterday I decided to make today bathroom cleaning day. Set the timer for an hour and managed to finish well in time before it went off including mopping the floor. That hasn't been washed for some time. Tomorrow will be bedrooms day, only 2 though as my office is separate and kept really tidy and clean. Well most of the time.

We went into town this afternoon enjoying a nice walk through the park. This was because parking nearer to town was impossible due to tourists visiting the attractions set up to celebrate the Coronation. We need tourists though, to keep the town alive, and there are lots of caravan sites nearby to accommodate them. There was a lot to do in town for young children - circus skills workshop, face painting, bouncy castle etc. Also icecreams, snacks and a stage with various singers and music. We called in a local pub on the walk back to the car which was having Karaoke.

I'm going again tomorrow as there's a market on. First one here for several years apparently so should be a good turn out.

Finished off the evening sorting some of the grandchildren's things the daughter-in-law gave me to sell on ebay. Have listed the first 16 items so its a start. 3 more bags to go lol. I give my daughter and daughter-in-law any money I make and they put it in the grandchildren's savings accounts. Have finished listing all the china now and 4 pieces have sold, so that's out of the house thankfully. I've never had to buy anything to sell yet in the 15years I've been on the site so it's a hobby that pays for itself really

Bye for now All the best x


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