Coronation Day and Brass Cleaning


Today was the coronation of the new King and Queen Consort. I'm not a Royalist and would prefer a Republic but do think the parades are well worth keeping. Not ideal to have Charles and Camilla as our leaders as they are not really suitable people IMO. The gold carriage was absolutely beautiful though. OH is a Royalist though so we respect each other's opinion so all good on the home front.

OH and son went off to see the celebrations in our town while I stayed home. They were given cakes and sandwiches at someone's front garden and a couple of pubs had beer at 10p a pint to celebrate. The dogs went with them so had a good walk at the same time.

Today being Saturday I decided last week to try and clean the badly neglected brass ornaments and copper fender. I started last Saturday and decided to do an hour once a week and eventually it will come clean. There's a brass companion set, stand, brush, shovel, poker, tongs, toasting fork, kettle and trivet. Also an old RAC brass stand plus 2 hunting horns. Last week wasn't really successful as I used a cheap metal cleaner but this week I tried Bar Keepers Friend which was better. You can actually see it is brass in some places instead of black metal. Have bought a small soft hairbrush for next week tò clean bits you can't get to with a cloth. So that was Saturday's effort. I really should develop a routine here with the cleaning.

Saw my daughter-in-law when I went on the dental visit. She's given me 2 big bags of the grand children's outgrown clothes to sell (about 40 items) so that's tomorrow's project, listing them all for sale 

Bye for now All the best xx

PS please feel free to leave a comment if you're reading this x


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