New beach and Visitors Coming

Finished at last 

 We travelled to Dawlish seafront to see the new wall they opened there yesterday, and took the dogs on the now open beach. The dogs loved it in and out of the sea, but there were so many stones and rocks it was hard to see the sand. Hopefully it will clear and the sand will return. A local lady told me the sand has all gone to Exmouth because of the high wall. Hope she isn't right.

I had a phone call from Lily, my daughter, to say she's coming to stay with Ava (granddaughter) next week, so it's all systems go for sorting out the spare bed in the office. Dusting and vacuuming all upstairs and the stairs done today. Sorted out drawers under the bed so they have somewhere to put their clothes, all done. Lamp plugged in for Ava and tissues by the bed! It's difficult because the double bed is in my office so there's lots of ebay stuff everywhere and several cardboard boxes ready for packing items to post.

I've caught up on the washing and ironing, (I actually like ironing- strange I know) as they will go swimming at the pool several times during the week so need costumes and towels washed frequently. Always give the house a good clean when family comes as I do very little when they're here. Lily is planning to go to St Ives in Cornwall on a day trip in the week. Its a long way from us about 2.5hrs drive each way so we won't be joining her. Will probably go to Cornwall for a few days after half term as it will be quieter then.

Tomorrow I'm going to continue with the cleaning downstairs so it's all looking nice for when they come. Time to get the Roomba out, my robot vacuum. Really glad I bought this as it does a great job on the dogs hair, and I was finding it difficult to push the Dyson due to my ongoing lung condition.

Just seen another hedgehog in the front garden. Dogs were interested but didn't touch it. Last one we saw one of our dogs was shaking and hid under the table, but she's braver now and just stared at it.  Oh the wildlife here - seagulls on the roof, foxes calling at night, blackbirds, crows, tits, pigeons. Seaside and countryside combined and I'm so glad we moved here.


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