This Morning the Phil and Holly saga

 I usually watch parts of This Morning, especially the fashion scenes, between tidying up the kitchen. Can't believe what I'm reading in the press if it's all true (which is rare) saying Holly gave an ultimatum that Philip leaves or she will! Apparently, she's upset because Phillip didn't tell her about his brother's court appearance regarding child abuse charges. He was convicted, and Philip gave evidence at the court.

So, are we to believe in order to work on This Morning you have to be best friends with your co-presenter? To tell them everything and socialise outside of work? Well, I've worked on 24-hour sleep-in shifts in residential care for almost ten years before retirement. Numerous different staff members worked with me, as there were always two people on the shift. Some I liked - some I didn't. But, and it's a big But, we always helped each other and treated each other with respect. We didn't tell each other much about our private lives. Mainly because that is what it's called 'Private Life.' So why should Holly expect to be told about Phillip's brother and be devastated that she wasn't the first to know? Either she's a very nosy person and it's true, or he's not been respectful towards her behind the scenes and she's had enough. However, having said that I still don't think she should have decided who she will work with. Full of her own self importance comes to mind. There's an old saying 'The bigger they are the harder they fall' It wouldn't surprise me to see her contract terminated quite soon also. 

Bye for now All the best x


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