Village Gossip

 When we moved here 3 and a half years ago we did our best to be helpful to neighbours, and tried to fit in as best we could. The next door neighbours are nice and friendly and we take in parcels for each other, water gardens, etc but don't intrude. Unfortunately, some newcomers are not the same,

We heard a tale of someone who bought  a house next to a church, then complained to the council about the noise of the bells 🔔 ringing. So the bells stopped. A petition went in from locals and the local press printed an article about it. I'm pretty sure the house owner was not Mr Popular after that. They sold up and moved away a few months later, and the bells rang again.

New houses were built behind a supermarket a few miles from us. The new owners complained they were being disturbed by lorries delivering at night. So the supermarket stopped nighttime deliveries. Result - more complaints of no milk, bread, or fresh food until midday or later. So back came the nighttime lorries and no more complaints.

The latest I'm reading about is some people have bought a property sited on a private lane. The lane also has a right of way for walkers. The lady of the house has been taking photos of dog walkers and reporting them to the dog warden for not being on a lead. She is totally shocked and upset because someone she was photographing came up to her and told her she isn't liked in the area. Also, her daughter complained because a group of people doing a charity run were all in her lane! Now this being a village, and small town nearby, my guess is although she probably reported anonymously someone knows someone who works in the local council.  Word travels fast in small communities. 

The main point is don't buy a house with a right of way in your "private' front lane if you dont want to share it. Or next to a supermarket if you're a light sleeper. And never next to a church if you don't favour bell ringing. Oh, the village gossip here lolol.

Bye for now All the best x

PS welcome to anyone reading this in the UK, Spain, Netherlands and Australia. Hope you are enjoying it!


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