Wild Camping & Easy Online Applications

Never leave a fire burning 

 Early yesterday morning OH took my car for an MOT and then went for a nice long walk with the dogs. He arrived at a country park, which is huge, to see a van in the car park and 3 tents pitched near the entrance. That's unusual as we've never seen anyone camping there before. Not a problem as we are in favour of wild camping. It's a great experience for children, and ours went every year with OH and brother-in-law. When he left the tents and van were gone, but he noticed smoke and small flames coming from the long grass at the side of the field. The grass was starting to catch fire and loads of rubbish was thrown on the ground. We always carry large bottles of water for the dogs so he put out the fire with that. Perhaps this is why they are stopping wild camping on Dartmoor as this kind of behaviour really spoils it for others.

Its not easy

Spent the afternoon applying for a passport online as Daughter told me its very easy. The forms are quick to go through until you get to adding a photo. I took 12 photos altogether against several different white walls around the house - all rejected! Decided to have one last try sitting on the sofa and it came up good straight away! Perhaps they liked the background idk. Going to try and do OH's application this afternoon hopefully lol Wish me luck I'll need it.

Bye for now. All the best x


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