A Bit Chaotic Here

 Daughter and granddaughter left today to return home so we just have youngest son here atm. Daughter took a rosemary plant with her as her own died. She uses a lot of herbs when cooking. 

I just looked around after they left and didn't really know where to start! The living room has 4 bags of 'stuff you can sell' in the middle of the floor. Ava has been sorting out toys and clothes she doesn't want or has outgrown. The kitchen isn't too bad apart from the hob being greasy and tomato sauce up the tiles from where daughter cooked. There is sand all over the floors downstairs from numerous trips to the beach. Ava had a lot of fun on a body board I bought at a carboot sale for £1 last year. Best toy ever!

                      Surfing UK

The office has a sofabed that needs stripping and folding up. I started on the bed first and put the washing on. Moved all the 'stuff' upstairs onto the sofa bed, so at least the living room is clear. Tomorrow will be cleaning day, followed by listing the 'stuff' for Ava.

After a nice relaxing shower I decided to write a to-do list. Definitely the maƱana approach here lol.

Bye for now

All the best x


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