Too Hot

 It's so hot here now, but the city we left is even hotter! I really don't do well in this weather and tend to feel ill in the afternoon when the temperature is at its highest. Fell asleep on the sofa yesterday afternoon for 2 hours which is not normal for me. The dogs are laying on the laminate flooring where its cooler. I'm really glad we've booked a holiday in Scandinavia where, hopefully, it will be much cooler than here. Having said that the last time I was there it was the hottest day they had ever had! 

Went shopping a few days ago and managed to find 2 lovely brand new Principles Cardigans in the charity shops. A real bargain at a third of the retail price and both still had labels on, so had never been worn. I buy most of my clothes from charity shops or ebay as I won't pay the price retailers are charging. Years ago I worked for a disabled person and went on cruises twice a year as their PA/carer. I managed to buy a complete wardrobe of posh clothes secondhand including evening dresses, suits, smart dresses, blouses, skirts, pashminas, evening bag etc all for less than £100. I saw the world but it was hard work being on call 24/7. The pay was poor so I left that job and went as private temporary PA self employed. Really enjoyed that and met lots of lovely people.

Managed to finish all the ironing today, as I've been doing a bit every day. Apart from that housework has been on hold as its not the right weather for hard work lol. I did send the Robot vac around the living room today though as the dogs are moulting badly atm.

Bye for now. All the best x


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