Clearing up and a trip to the pub

 Daughter went home on Friday with the granddaughter so it's just our son here now. I think they had a good week, but granddaughter managed to break her arm running down a slide into a wall! I had started trying to teach her to knit but 2nd lesson didn't happen due to her arm in plaster for the next 4 weeks. So it was off to the amusement machines where she won lots of tickets and exchanged them for sweets. Found money left in the machine trays too so kids aren't very careful to check. Only 2ps but lots of them.

The big clean up has now started here as I do very little when family stay over. Three loads of washing so far and more tomorrow. Did the ironing today which I like doing. Managed to get most things dry on the washing line and finished it up in the dryer. All the visitors' bedding is packed away in the top of my wardrobe. Bought some grey zipped storage bags on Amazon which keeps the duvets and pillows tidy.

It feels like Autumn here today and there's a chill in the air. Managed to miss the showers yesterday when we went to a Macmillan charity do at a pub. It was packed with a hog roast, salad,  burgers, and hotdogs all free for a donation to Macmillan. Big raffle too and OH won 2 bottles of wine. 

For anyone reading from abroad  Macmillan Nurses support people diagnosed with cancer. They are not funded by our NHS and are a UK charity.

Tomorrow I'll be sorting out the 3 bags full of 'stuff' daughter left here for me to sell on ebay. It's not selling very fast atm but every week something goes. Trouble is I have more coming in via daughter than I have going out lol. My china is going quite well and I've made about £200 so far. Have sold about half of it now.

Bye for now All the best x


  1. Hi Sally! Bless here. Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting. I'm returning the compliment! I read your profile and was amused to see that you are a night owl, too! I've been known to stay up till the wee hours of the morning, as they say. Then, I sleep in!
    I've bookmarked your blog and will be checking on some of your older posts, too. I hope you have a lovely weekend.


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