Home from another Birthday party

 Came home last night after visiting daughter and granddaughter as it was Ava's birthday. She had a sleep over with her friends the day before. They had all left before we arrived so it was just us, our 2 sons, Daughter-in-law and other granddaughter, daughter's friend with her husband and 2 children. Nice number for the lovely barbecue we had. Ava had some really nice presents, lego, a bike, a fit bit, clothes, a Harry Potter game, money and pokemon albums. Also lots of small gifts from her friends. 

         Charity Shop Bargain Clock

The next day we all went to Wilko to try and support the shop as they have called in administrators. Sad really that another high street name is going bust. Their prices seemed much higher than they used to be so we didn't buy much. We also looked around the charity shops and noticed they are cheaper than in South Devon. OH bought a clock for £2.99 and a set of French CDs for £1 to help Ava who is learning French at school.

Spent the day at home today as OH had a lot of appointments with U3A work and did a blood donation. Caught up on the housework and unpacked. Weather is supposed to be 24C tomorrow so it will be washing day.

Bye for now All the best x


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