Power Cut!

 Just about to go to bed at around 1am when all the electric cut out! OH was already in bed as he usually goes up around 10pm. We're definitely on a different time scale lol. I woke up Mark (our son) who was dozing on the sofa. TG I have a torch on my phone. Went outside in the garden and next door neighbours had a bedroom light on so our power and lights had all  fused. Climbed up on a chair to the fuse box and tried to reset it but it cut out instantly again. Mark told me to wake OH who eventually managed to get power and lights on again in the house, but the shelter where we bath the dogs in the garden just kept blowing the trip again. So there we were at 4am having coffee and debating what had caused it. On a positive note this morning OH found it was a faulty heater in the shelter, that he installed to stop the water pipes freezing in winter. All working now but we need a new heater, or the thermostat it operated on. Feeling very washed out today as 4.30am is late to go to bed even for me.

So today was a pyjama day due to last night's electrical problems. I don't wear pyjamas as such but a tee shirt, and track suit around the house. Think it's know as a lounge suit nowadays lol. I managed to clear out a kitchen cupboard and load the dishwasher but that was the extent of activity today. So what can I make with 8 tins of beans, red kidney beans mixed beans and baked beans?  OH does most of the shopping but never looks in the cupboard first! Also found cider vinegar, now in the bin, dated best before 2008!

Bye for now All the best x


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