Another Charity Do

 Son and OH went off to a pub this afternoon where another charity event was taking place. This one was for AIMS which I think is a children's charity. I joined them early evening and stayed for an hour. A nice surprise was waiting for me as OH had won a tee-shirt and a box of Cadburys Milk chocolates. Son had bid on a bottle of wine and some glasses at the auction they had earlier. The tee-shirt was a size medium so as OH is XXL I'll be putting it on ebay. Various bands were playing music in the pub garden some better than others lol.

Weather here was very warm today and forecast to be even hotter tomorrow. It seems really strange that I've sold warm fleece Pajamas and an all in one fleece gaming suit this week! No summer clothes at all apart from a pair of shorts. Perhaps other areas of the UK are chilly idk. Tomorrow I'll make a start on the 2 big bags of toys daughter left here for me to sell. 

Had a look at TEMU but I don't know anyone who has used it yet. It has good reviews from people on a housekeeping Facebook group I'm on so I've ordered 2 jumpers for winter and some socks. The jumpers were only £9 for both but you had to spend £10 for free postage so I bought the socks to make the money up. I did notice the same jumpers are on ebay for £15 each so that's where they will go if they don't fit me well.

Bye for now. All the best x


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