Life is Never Simple

 Yesterday I sorted out the paperwork to contact D&G who we have the oven insured with. Its only a few £s a month and they come and fix or replace it free on the insurance policy. Sounds great but here's what happened.

I had to go online, register an account, click on an email link to verify. Log into the site, put in name address and phone number. So far all good. Then it got difficult. You have to put in the model number which is either on the oven or in the instruction book. Definitely not in my instruction book, or installation guide that I still have. There are 6 sets of numbers inside the oven doorway and none said mod or model which the site told me I was looking for. So I put each one into the booking repair site and every one was rejected. Rang their helpline, on hold for 40 minutes. Finally got through then the line went dead. Tried all the numbers again and still all rejected. Searching through all the paperwork but no sign of a model number. Rang the helpline again and got connected to a very nice lady after 45 minutes. Told her all the numbers and she realised that D&G had put in the wrong model number on our policy. Also the letter (I) was written as an oblique (/) on our oven. So she couldn't authorise the repair until I contacted D&G to change the model number. Rang D&G and was connected after 25 minutes. The lady changed the model number and booked the repair for next week. Altogether 3.5 hours to book a repair, and D&G say in their paperwork relax you're insured!!

On a positive note OHs friend fixed the roof today. It was just a small hole in the chimney flashing whatever that is lol. And OH bought a part on EB to fix the dryer door which was successful. He's quite good at fixing things when he gets around to it.

Bye for now All the best x


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