More Water Problems

 Well they lifted the ban for hosepipes then turned off all the water due to a leak in a road. Four hours later it came back on, then after a few hours off it went again. According to a local FB site they caused 2 further leaks further down the road while fixing the first one. Lots of people moaning about roads shut off. Finally had water again in the evening. My lovely neighbours brought us 2 bottles of water from the supermarket. We have nice neighbours here and OH cuts their v small front lawn. They water our plants while we're away, take in parcels etc. It's nice but we don't live in each other's pockets but know we are there for each other if there was a crisis.

Sorted out all my winter clothes this week, and the summer clothes have gone into the loft. Seriously have too many clothes, probably because I rarely throw anything away. I've order a dozen new hangers as I don't have enough for all the trousers. Also bought some new hand towels as I like a clean one every day. 

Sold 10 things over the weekend on ebay. I'm amazed at the high price some people will bid up to. A doll I listed at £8 went for £20, and something I listed for collection only, due to weight, was bought by someone offering me £12 postage as they desperately wanted it. No luck selling on vinted yet but the 2 things I bought are lovely in vgc. OH found a load of bubble wrap in a skip at the park this week which was very welcome as I've almost run out.

Bye for now All the best x


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