Oven Update

 Engineer arrived this morning, an older person. Changed the motherboard, door seal, and various other bits. Tested everything and found the bottom element wasn't working but looked new when he removed it. The top element was working though. This could explain why this oven has always taken 10-15 minutes longer and a higher temperature to cook everything since we purchased it! He was here for 2 hours, a lovely person, very friendly. So tonight we're cooking tea, nothing special just pie and chips and it's so much faster. I should have complained when we bought it really but had not had this sort of oven before.

I'm busy catching up on the cleaning and washing atm ready for Lily and Ava's arrival on Sunday morning. We've booked the theater for Wednesday night as daughter is leaving Wednesday so it will be a nice outing for Ava. It's called Junior Frozen. Ava is staying with us until Sunday as daughter is going on a trip with her friend. Then it will be all back to daughter's home for a few days to celebrate Halloween 🎃 

Bye for now All the best x 


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