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 Came home from daughter's home on Monday after OH's dental check up. He doesn't need any treatment so it's all good. Ridiculous really having to travel over 100 miles but that's the state of the NHS. Daughter's very excited about having a new kitchen so that kind of dominated the topic of conversation plus a visit Sunday morning from the measurements man. Her measurements were really accurate anyway - she's far more practical than me. I don't know one end of a gas pipe from the other lol.

We visited son and grandchildren on the Saturday. They're renovating their kitchen ceiling atm putting in sound proofing for some reason. Just had new central heating too so house is a bit upside-down. Also called in to see sister and brother-in-law on the way back which was nice to catch up on the family gossip lol.

Daughter wants us to house sit for the installation of her new boiler and delivery of the new kitchen units, also to help rip out the old kitchen! So I think we will be travelling up and down quite a lot over December and January. 

Not feeling well today as I have a bad cold, cough and sore throat. Really hoping it isn't the dreaded covid again. Can't think where I caught this from as nobody we visited had a cold. Managed to sort out and post 7 parcels that sold on ebay over the weekend yesterday, so I'm up to date. The housework and washing can wait until I feel better 

Bye for now All the best x


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