Halloween and the Dentist

 We took Ava home at the weekend ready for when daughter returned from her trip abroad. Stayed with them for Halloween which went well. Daughter put the decorations up and OH carved the pumpkin. She took Ava and her friend's 2 children trick or treat around the local houses. We answered the door to crowds of children while they were gone. Got through half a bucket full of sweets. There were so many children knocking at her door. Daughter did a small buffet and cooked a pan of chilli with rice for family who came to visit.

We went shopping the day before but couldn't find any eggs in Co-op. Realised after we got home the shops all take eggs off the shelves a few days before Halloween, to stop naughty children buying them to throw at houses. Should have asked where they were but we thought they had sold out lol. OH wanted 🥚 eggs for breakfast but never mind. It's a big problem in some areas if you don't answer the door to the children and give sweets.

Had a dental appointment the next day for a check up. All good no treatment needed tg. I'm extremely lucky that I have a NHS dentist so the fees are reasonable ie £25 for a check up. Thousands of people aren't so lucky as there is a mass exodus of dentists leaving NHS work and going completely private. Children are entitled to free treatment on the NHS and can't register as no practice is taking on new patients. Some will see children on NHS if the parent registers as a private treatment patient. I can't find a dentist in Devon for NHS treatment so we travel over 100 miles to stay with our old practice. None taking on new patients in the 4 years since we moved here. The main problem is our government not paying enough money to the dentists for NHS treatments, so they only want private patients to make a lot more money. We are lucky that we can stay with our daughter or our son for appointments otherwise it would be a hotel, or Airbnb which would be v expensive in that area.

Bye for now All the best x  


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