Xmas is coming

 Finally feel I'm making progress with Xmas as now the last of the presents are ordered and hopefully will be here this week. OH has trimmed up the Xmas tree in the garden and we've bought a tiny one for the house. He's put up all the lights and decorations ready for when Lily and Ava come at the weekend. They are staying until Boxing Day. Spare room has been cleaned ready for beds to be put up and made, washing and ironing up to date, turkey and joints of meat in the clean freezer, Xmas mugs and plates washed in the cupboard, so all ticking over nicely. Still need to sort the office as the spare bed in there is full of wrapping paper, cards and presents.

I've been busy cooking this week mainly to use up what was in the freezer to give it all a fresh start. So far I've made 2 blackberry and apple sponges, cheese bacon and spinach quiche, huntsman chicken, and pork chops with blackberry sauce. We didn't like the blackberry sauce so apart from that all the rest was really nice. Won't use that recipe again - it was in my dairy diary. Tomorrow I'm off to OHs Badminton Xmas drinks at a local pub. 

It's raining every day here which is quite depressing. Also, it means I've had to tumble dry all the washing so very expensive too. Hoping for a dry day tomorrow as I need to go shopping. 

Having a few problems with ebay, 2 non-payers and 1 person returning a jacket saying its faulty as its itchy. She's probably allergic but if you say it's faulty ebay authorise the return. If you don't accept the return ebay will refund her anyway and charge you for it - not fair really but that's how it is.

Bye for now All the best x


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