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 Came home from daughter's home yesterday and it was great to get back to normality! First day we were there 2 men arrived to take the kitchen units that daughter has sold. OH helped to remove them. They loaded it all in their van then came in and said it wasn't what they really wanted! Strange people but they paid daughter first so all ok. Left the worktops and gas hob outside the front door and drove off. Next day she sold the sink unit which made it really difficult to wash up with no taps or hot water. Actually the only water was in the downstairs cloakroom so washing cups in a plastic bowl balanced on a low set of steps. Personally I would have kept the sink unit until the cupboards are delivered which is in 3-4 weeks time. OH started filling in the holes in the walls and then sanding it flat ready to paint which made a lot of dust. 

Monday the plumber came to remove the boiler and fit a new one in the utility room. So everything had to come out of Ava's bedroom, floorboards up, carpets rolled back for the pipework to the tank. They were very good and put down dustsheets on the stairs and carpets, hoovered up and left everything clean. Next morning they were back at 8am putting a cleaner through the system and checking it all worked OK. OH took all the rubbish to the tip, gave the dogs a run in the park, put a coat of paint on the walls and we left. Managed to visit eldest son and saw 2 of my sisters while we were there. Good job I like McDonald's and Sainsburys sandwiches lol. Youngest son is going there tonight with a home cooked meal for them. Daughter has an air fryer, slow cooker and microwave so she can manage simple meals.

I managed to wash the floors here after OH vacuumed, and do a quick dust around. I'm still trying to keep my foot up as much as possible to rest my broken ankle. Going to try and sort out the office tomorrow as it's overloaded with boxes and various items daughter wants me to sell eg games, clothes, toys, unwanted Xmas presents, books etc. The main problem is too many empty boxes and packaging but I really need them for when the china sells. Have sold almost half of it now so making progress.

Bye for now All the best x


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