Travelled back to see relatives and sort out flowers for the funeral and then again for the actual funeral and wake. The church was full with at least 100 people, some of whom I hadn't seen for years. Didn't even recognise some of them as they were children the last time I saw them! Even ex partners and husbands came to pay their respects. The wake was in a local pub which was full as well. Nieces were very pleased with the  turn out. Sister's favourite colour was red so most people wore something red. I'd managed to buy a red coat for £2 on ebay at the last minute so I'm going to donate that to a charity shop

The dogs went to daycare and were very well behaved for the lady. We dropped them off at 10am and picked them up at 4.30

          Relaxing at doggy day care 

Back at home I've started to try and catch up on sorting my office. I seem to be breeding cardboard boxes 📦 at the moment lol. Did all the filing yesterday and listed 14 items. Also made a to-do list. It really shows that I haven't done anything for a month, except basic cleaning here, although OH has put the vacuum round a few times. Daughter and granddaughter are coming to stay when the school holidays start so must get busy lol.

Bye for now All the best x 


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