Life isnt great atm

 Had a busy couple of weeks here with OHs friends visiting, then Mark (youngest son) came to stay for a couple of days. He went home and then came back a few days later as his shifts were cancelled due to the weather. I was getting on well with the housework and sorting out the office, ebay stuff etc. when disaster struck.

Went to visit my friend on Good Friday with OH and Mark. OH dropped me off and as it had stopped raining they took the dogs for a good long run around the country park, near where my friend lives. Unfortunately, there was a deep muddy puddle there so our older dog had a long drink of it and, strangely, so did the other dog which hasn't happened before. I had to take both to the vet as both have D&V very, very bad. They are still ill now -  although the oldest one isn't being sick anymore - despite a 3 day course of Panacur and dog probiotìc. It's chaotic atm as I've been up until 3am most nights to let them out. Then OH is up at 4am 5am and 6am with them. Had to cancel DD and DGDs visit as the vet suspects Guiardia Dysentry which people can catch. Cleaning all the floors with disinfectant and hot water to try and stop it spreading to us. Last time our older dog caught it from a lake and our old vet gave tablets which put everything back to normal in 24 hours. This vet doesn't like giving the tablets due to side effects but our dog was fine last time. I'm nearly £150 down so far and looking at more money for the vet if it doesn't clear up. Then if I don't get the tablets I will be changing vet if I need to go back again on Monday.

Bye for now All the best x


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