Two out one in lol

 Had a nice day shopping in Teignmouth on Friday as the weather was dry for a change. We've had an awful lot of rain here over the past month. I think people must be staying in quite a lot as I've sold 10 items on ebay this last week and another 6 going through for this week. This is a lot for me as usually it's 1 or 2 items a week and sometimes not even that many. Looking around the charity shops I've realised most things are much more expensive there now, so perhaps that's why my sales are increasing. I have never needed to buy anything to sell on as my large family gives me things to sell for them.  I give them all the money which helps them out, as with all the bills rising money is tight atm. To me its a hobby that costs me nothing, gives me an interest, enables me to change my own clothing for different styles and helps my family. Not many hobbies like that really.

Daughter and granddaughter arrived Saturday afternoon for the Bank Holiday weekend which was nice. OH won a joint of lamb in a pub meat raffle so we had a nice roast meal together. Daughter is an 'all action' person so off swimming, parks, beach etc while here. Always has been very active and granddaughter is exactly the same. They were leaving this evening (Monday) as its back to work and school tomorrow. However, at 4pm we had a phone call from Mark saying his shift was cancelled tomorrow due to a ship arriving late and he was on the way here. He has Wednesday off as his day off so here until Wednesday evening. I was just changing the sheets when he arrived and helped me strip the beds lol. Daughter took a long time getting home this evening due to a bad accident on the M5. It was on the southbound side but police were sweeping up debris across North and South sides of the motorway.

My lovely neighbour next door told me if I ever feel lonely I can always pop in for a cup of coffee and a chat. Chance would be a fine thing here lolol.

Bye for now All the best x 


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