
Showing posts from June, 2024

Visiting a Friend and Filling in Forms

 Had a good day today visiting a friend in Exeter. She's doing brilliantly with her garden and it's looking very pretty. OH came with me and helped stack her greenhouse parts safely, as he will (attempt) to erect it at the end of the month when our son visits. My friend has had several people offer to help her put it up but none have turned up!! Think they all realised that it was quite a difficult, long job. It was nice to sit in the sunshine in the garden and have a good catch up, helped along with coffee and 🎂 🥮 cake. I sat down with OH this week and told him I was worried about the state I was in walking uphill in Totnes to the market. By the time I reached the market, and after stopping several times on the way, I was extremely out of breath, sweating heavily and shaking. My lung condition is now much worse than before the last chest infection I had. We decided that it would be a good idea to apply for a Blue Badge, so I've finally finished filling in the forms, then

A Day in Totnes

 We decided to go to Totnes today as I wanted to look around the Saturday market. OH has been a few times on the train as there's a large following chess players in the old cinema. We took the car today, but parking was very difficult as most car parks were full. We had to park quite a way from the market, then walk up several hills. I'm not good on hills due to my lung condition so I was quite breathless on arrival at the market. Most of the clothes for sale there are very hippy/boho style, and there is a large hippy community in Totnes. There were several stalls selling bygone treasures where you might pick up an unusual vintage item. Lots of places selling vegan food as well as the normal burgers so you wouldn't go hungry. The market sells everything from plant stalls, which all looked healthy, to dried herbs for cooking. I did think the prices were very steep tbh especially for the clothing, e.g. second hand Levi 501 jeans @ £35 a pair. Perhaps I'm just normally con

The Ups and Downs of Family Visits

 Well we had a busy 5 days here with our son, daughter and 2 grandchildren staying. The eldest is almost 16, doesn't time fly. He's very clever like his dad, our son. Should do very well in his GCEs this year. He moved to a linked school with an emphasis on engineering last year and has told me he would like to work in robotics. Of course that may well change as he matures. Daughter always wanted to be a vet, but work experience put her off that career as she felt there was not enough contact with the animals. Son was definitely going to be a sound technician but is now inventing programmes for chips, and not the kind you eat lol. Sadly, the visit didn't end well as grandson was sat on the garden swing nursing one of our dogs. Granddaughter, for whatever reason, decided to call the dog from the upstairs window. Result - dog jumps off knocking grandson's phone onto the concrete patio and smashed it. Daughter not happy that I said it was inappropriate to call the dog late