Alone at last!

 Son went home and I started to catch up on the housework and washing. Then came a phone call 3 days later, from my sister Amy wanting to come and visit! I couldn't say no as its 4 years since she visited us so it was pull out the folding bed and get it made up ready. She got a bit lost on the way here and took 3 hours to arrive, double the time needed.  Amy stayed for 2 nights so we had a good catch up on the family gossip. We've now been on our own  for just over a week.

Chaotic here atm as I had a call about our new sofa this morning and it's arriving in 3 days time. Not much notice really. So today OH did 2 runs to the local tip after sawing the sofa in half to fit in the car. It was a comfy old 3 piece suite we bought from a charity shop 4 years ago but is now well past its best. Our local council would have charged £64 to pick it up so taking it to the tip was a lot cheaper, as OHs car is very economical on petrol. Oh the joys of having dogs, the amount of hair underneath was horrendous. Note to self -  pull out furniture and vac more frequently lol. At the moment we have one armchair for me and a leather swivel chair and stool for OH. I'm absolutely banning any visitors until the new furniture arrives. Dogs aren't happy as they always shared the sofa with me, and only used their posh, memory foam, fleece covered, dog bed at night.

My knitting is sat on a chair and I'm thinking of getting on with it some time very soon. I'm just under half way of a blanket I'm making. Now the electric and gas has risen in price I've a feeling I need to finish it quite soon.

Bye for now All the best x


  1. It's lovely to have visitors, but it doesn't half tire us out!


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