Xmas planning and shopping has started

 We drove into town yesterday and started my - I mean our lol -  Xmas shopping. Bought all the special named cards for daughter, sons, OH, grandchildren, sisters, neighbours,     brother- in-law, and friends. Also 3 selection boxes for grandchildren, although the eldest is now 16 so maybe not for them next year. The cheaper Cadbury ones I normally buy seemed an awful lot smaller this year so I went for the larger size. OH calls it shrink-flation lol. Also picked up 2 boxes of sugared orange and lemon slices for £1 each in the £1 shop. Haven't seen them for years.

Christmas won't be as easy this year as we won't be getting the WFA, which always was a big help with the bills, but we will manage OK. The 2 eldest grandchildren get cash which was their choice. Infact, the eldest said one year and I quote "Granny can I just have money this year and not all the crap' lololol. His mother the DIL was horrified but tbh I  was delighted at not having to traipse around the shops for hours wondering what to buy the child who has everything. His sister wanted the same as she's a regular visitor to the shopping mall with her friends. My sons both like cash, and the daughter-in-law gets a Next gift voucher. They all get a tin of biscuits, tin of chocolates and bottle of alcohol. So far so good sounds easy But........

Daughter doesn't want cash she wants presents as does Ava the youngest grandchild.  I've no idea what to get either of them. Hopefully they will send me a list. OH and I don't buy for each other anymore, we haven't for years. If I  wanted anything he would buy it for me though.

We have a small real Xmas 🎄 tree in the back garden in a pot so will bring that in to decorate next month. It can go in the conservatory by the sliding glass doors to the living room. There's also quite a large one planted in the front garden that we will trim up and put lights on.

It's very cold here tonight 6C and only 10pm. They have forecast very cold weather so I'm really hoping and wishing for some snow ❄️ as we haven't had any in the 5 years since we moved here. Haven't lit the log fire yet but the heating is on now. As I have COPD I need it to be at least 20C in the day and evening according to recent medical advice. My breathing is definitely worse outside in the cold so perhaps they are right.

Bye for now All the best x



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