Visitor, volunteer and Trump
Well, home alone didn't last long as I got up Wednesday morning to find Mark (our son) sat in the kitchen having coffee with OH! He didn't bother ringing just turned up, which is fine as we have never had appointments in our last home for close family members. All family could just pop in whenever and were very welcome. Mark is very helpful and loaded the dishwasher, vacuumed the sitting room, pulling out all the furniture, and put the gripper pad under our rug. I'm so grateful as OH does try to help but never does a really thorough job . With both dogs shedding all year it's a job to keep up with the hair. Mark went home yesterday as he's back to work today.
My nephew has sorted out daughter's cracked ceiling and wall for her. He knew exactly what to do as he's worked in dry lining for years. Just used filler so she can paint today as it drys much faster than plaster. Handy having family members in various trades. Daughter's ordered the carpet for next week so hopefully granddaughter will have a bed soon.
OH has joined a volunteer group to tidy up brambles in the park and various other neglected areas. It was the residents decision to form a group as the local council doesn't have money for this essential maintenance and brambles/weeds etc were taking over large areas. They all went on a Health and Safety course so the council can insure the group. It's a good idea, and perhaps other areas could benefit from a scheme like this.
Saw Trump on the news last night talking about what he's doing for the American people. He's put the army on the Mexican border to stop illegal immigration, and is deporting people in USA illegally back to their own country. Rounding up gangs, and declared them terrorist organisations. He's also cancelled a lot of money being sent to other countries for dubious means. The one I can remember was sending millions to Hamas for condoms lol. I don't usually agree with Trump on many things but these policies seem sensible to me. Why send millions to other countries if your country is in debt? Charity should start at home imo.
Bye for now All the best Sally x
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