Visitors on the way and ebay fees
Feeling a lot better now but still have a cough. On morning TV today a Dr was saying many people had the same symptoms as me ie bad cold then cough. Most are still coughing after several weeks, and she advised to go back to GP after 8 weeks! That seems a very long time to me. Managed to go out a few times this week tg. only to the supermarket and a local pub for an hour. It's so cold and dreary here I don't feel like going very far. Neither does OH apart from giving the dogs a good run in the fields.
Granddaughter has text OH asking if she can come to stay next week as it's half term holidays. I presume she will bring our daughter with her as she's only 10 lol. I've messaged daughter to check if they're planning to visit; they usually do come to stay in the school holidays. Also, late last night I'd just got into bed when my sister messaged me asking if she can visit for a few days with our other sister! I told her yes but not in the school holidays. Well, I only have 3 beds here lol. Looks like we are going to be pretty busy for the next few weeks. Good job I've started doing the housework again. OH does try to help but doesn't make a very good job of cleaning in all honesty lol.
My sister sells on ebay like I do to try and declutter the house - we were both previously hoarders lol well bought too much of everything anyway. She's noticed nothing sold since February 3rd, same as I have. I think this could be linked to ebay charging buyers a fee for buyers protection starting on the 4th. It's quite a lot on top of the price as something at £9.99 would now cost £11.11 plus postage. Fee is 75p +3%. Ebay hasn't put it on everything yet, but they are planning to so maybe people are put off by that. I know I would be if purchasing something quite expensive. We shall see...........
Bye for now All the best Sally x
Glad you're feeling better, but coughing that lasts for ages is very wearing, I'm sure. It's lovely having visitors, but the preparation beforehand and then all the washing, cleaning, reorganising afterwards, as well as being much more active whilst visitors are here, really takes it out of you doesn't it. Well, it does me. But you'll enjoy seeing them all.