Vet, Teignmouth and Trump

 Back to the vet today and it's better but still not cleared up. The vet prescribed more antibiotics to extend the course to 9 days. Hopefully that should clear it up. She's so active in herself you would never know there was anything wrong. Dogs seem to cope much better than us. 

We called in OH's localish pub on the way home. It was so cold in there we didn't stay long. I wish they would put some heating on. I know it's expensive but they have a log burner that they had just started lighting at 5.30pm as we were leaving. Just a few men were in there and all had thick coats on.  OH had a nice surprise, though, as he'd won a leg of lamb in the meat raffle last weekend. Ive had to put it in the freezer as we've already bought shopping for this week.

            Biscuit Cutters for Easter

Tomorrow we're off to Teignmouth to get my hair cut and then going to the shops. I love looking in the charity shops, and need a few things from Superdrug while I'm there.          I picked up some biscuit cutters in one of the shops the last time we went to Teignmouth, so OH can take them to daughter at the weekend. They are for Easter biscuits which I know she will make with the granddaughter.

I've seen the interview with Trump and Zelenski and was very shocked by it. He was so rude and nasty to him. Thinking about it, does Trump really think that Putin will happily sign a peace deal and then allow Trump to put in American people to collect all the precious minerals. there? And keep all the proceeds for the USA! Putin isn't going to just say 'Here you are America just help yourself' after trying to take the country for 3 years is he! Plus if you believe the press Russia is almost bankrupt with inflation at 12%. I think Trump may well learn the hard way that Putin isn't known for being honest and truthful. We shall see.

Pancake day tomorrow. OH is good at making pancakes. I'm sure I would drop them on the floor if I tried. That's my excuse anyway. Lololol

Bye for now All the best Sally x 


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