Cultural Differences

 When we looked around this area in Devon hoping to move here we were extremely surprised at the amount of items people left outside their property. A walk down a small lane accessible by cars showed gardens with boats, playhouses, slides, numerous toys, adult and children's bikes, and numerous garden ornaments and plant pots totally unsecured. There were no gates on the gardens or chain locks on bikes, absolutely nothing. Now we came from a large city where nothing would be left if it was not secured with a high fence and chains. It wasn't a particularly rough area where we lived, quite nice on the edge of the city.

Another surprise came after we moved and needed a battery charger for the caravan. We asked in a garage and they insisted on charging it for us for free - wouldn't accept payment, because it was 10 miles to a place that sold them.

After a few months we heard shouting across the road with 6 or 7 teenagers running off. 2 police cars came in minutes with 4 police officers. We expected someone had been attacked. Police stayed for nearly an hour. We saw the lady the next day. She told us the kids were sitting on her wall and when she told them to get off they swore at her and banged her bin lid. Then the police sent them all to apologise the next day!! Where we come from we would probably have been attacked for telling them off and as for 2 police cars in minutes no chance. 

There is still crime here of course and a big drug raid and puppies being stolen happened just before we moved in. But I do feel safer here and in a lot of ways it's like going back to the 60s/70s with friendly people, police who care, shops that are helpful etc. Children play out in the street riding on bikes or scooters. It's altogether a different world and we love it

Bye for now  All the best

               Our seaside home


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