An Update

 Well I went to the market in town which was lovely to look around. OH had a stall with others promoting the U3A. This is a club for people who are retired and over 50. OH has been playing Badminton, Bouls, Shooting at targets, visiting various Mansion houses and Gardens like the brochure and playing Chess. It did rain on and off but he was under the big tent there. I looked around but didn't buy anything as prices were high eg £5 for a pancake!

The cleaning routine has been put on hold this week as,  apart from stripping the bed and doing 2 loads of washing I've been in quite a lot of pain from the tooth extraction so decided to rest. Feeling better today so hopefully it will continue healing now. Son did the vacuuming for me which was a big help. Managed to sell some china and clothes on ebay and send it all but thats about it.                                                      Ah well tomorrow is another day, the maƱana approach here lol.

We had a new Internet connection yesterday which was very difficult to set up but much faster than the old one. TV worked perfectly yesterday but turned it on this morning and its saying re-tune all the stations so I'll leave that for OH when he gets back from chess club. Alexa is playing the radio which is fine by me.

Still raining here on and off, and that's not a bad thing as we have a hosepipe ban here in Devon so the lawn is getting plenty of water.

Bye for now All the best x


  1. I always think local farmers markets present a bit of a dilemma - the prices are invariably higher as the products are of good quality and reflect the time, care and skill put into them. But if we're on a limited income, much as we'd like to support the producers, we can't always afford to. Hope your mouth heals properly and pains you less very soon.

  2. Thanks Sooze. It was strange as the first 3 days it was fine, then it got painful but now no pain at all. I had dissolving stitches so perhaps bruising caused it idk


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