Private Dental Hospital visit

 I'm back from a dental hospital visit. Travelled to the city we used to live in 100 miles away and stayed with my daughter overnight as I had an appointment at a hospital for an extraction of a broken tooth. Lovely private hospital that also takes referrals for NHS patients (that's me). I'd decided not to have sedation unless absolutely necessary, and it wasn't, as I felt no pain at all. All over in 20 minutes, including stitches with lovely friendly staff.

So why do I travel 100 miles for my dentist? Because there are no NHS dentists taking on new patients in Devon!! I do feel this is disgusting as we all pay National insurance so shouldn't have to also pay for private treatment  unless we choose to. Its a bit like paying twice. Also NHS are paying for these referrals to private practice, so it isn't  cost effective for them either. Our government really needs to sort this out as by not paying enough to NHS dentists many people are suffering including children.

Today I'm feeling OK and doubt I will need the bag full of painkillers I left the dental hospital with. So far 4 paracetamol in 24 hours have sorted it all out. They gave me a box of paracetamol, a box of ibuprofen, a box of codeine and a bottle of antiseptic mouthwash. 

I'm relaxing atm and definitely milking it as OH is making me drinks, cooking tea, etc.

Bye for now. All the best xx


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