Car Boot and Holiday Plans

 I've had a busy few days catching up with the cleaning, washing, packing parcels, and listing most of the 4 bags of stuff Lily and Ava left for me to sell. Things are selling well on eBay atm, which has also surprised me given the huge rises in bills and food shopping.

              Carboot Finds

 We've had several days of warm sunshine here in sunny South Devon which has saved me a lot on the electric by not needing the tumble dryer. This afternoon we went to a car boot sale in Dawlish Warren - the first one this year. I love looking around at all the stalls but all the clothes I liked were sadly the wrong size! I bought a school dress and a wet suit for Ava for £6. They were both in excellent condition and the next size up to what she wears now. Called in a charity shop on the way home and managed to buy 2 quiche/flan dishes for £5.50, something I've been meaning to get for a while now. Going to try Gordon's recipe tomorrow that I found on the Internet. I love quiche but some that are pre-made I find a bit bland. So that was today's total spend £11.50.

       In the Charity Shops

The dogs look exhausted as they are having 2 outings a day now - early morning in the fields, then evening swim in the sea. We didn't take them with us to the car boot as it was quite hot in the sun this afternoon.

Our passports arrived this week so we're looking to go to Paris for a short break. Very fast really just over 2 weeks from when we applied. We were going to take the ferry ⛴️ with the car and drive to Paris but you need a sticker to drive in the capital and some other French towns. I've applied online and have to wait for them to post it to me. Also, you need a warning triangle, a breathalyser, a high vis jacket, a UK sticker or magnetic badge, a fire extinguisher, and headlight stickers to deflect glare!! OH's decided to go for a direct flight into Paris, and leave the car at home. Perhaps take it next time. Haven't been abroad for 5 years at least so I'm really looking forward to it.

Bye for now All the best x


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