Very up and down for the last week,  and awake half the night coughing. I sadly decided to take the rescue pack of antibiotics and steroids, the GP  gave me incase it got worse. This virus seems to hang on for a long time. Hate taking steroids as in 5 or 6 weeks my hair will start falling out again. It's a known side effect sadly.

Decided to do some cooking partly due to OHs meals lol. He can cook but it's often not great and you need to keep an eye on timing lol. Half an hour isn't long enough to boil a gammon joint. I should have sorted out the cupboards first before shopping as I now have 2 identical cake tins. Found the food processor which is 3 yrs old and has never been used, only kept at the back of the cupboard. So I've made an apple sponge, strawberry cheesecake and slow cooker beef curry this week. All turned out perfect which surprised me as I haven't made a cake or sponge for many years.

Busy week this week as it's daughter's birthday so we're off for a few days to celebrate 🍾 it with her. She's having a family barbecue which will be nice as we can catch up with everyone there. So it's on with the present wrapping, packing for a few days, finish the washing and ironing, sort ebay parcels (sold quite a bit this month) and dye my hair.

Bye for now All the best x


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