The Dog Show


       1st Prize for the Waggiest Tail

We decided to enter the dogs in the Dawlish Carnival Dog Show just for fun. Ava, our granddaughter, and our daughter were staying with us so Ava was delighted to take one of the dogs in the ring. She was closely followed by OH holding our other dog. Molly won the waggiest tail, coming first and was rewarded with a rosette and cone of dog biscuits. Her tail does wag constantly and at least twice the speed of other dogs lol. Nice afternoon there and thankfully the weather stayed dry for the day. Ava had a go on the bouncy castle and Mark won her a soft toy penguin on the rifle range.

Managed to get the washing dry on the line today as tomorrow's forecast is heavy rain and thunder storms. It really seems like Autumn rather than August atm. The Carnival parade is tomorrow but we won't be going to that due to the weather.

Bye for now All the best x


  1. Congratulations to Molly on having the waggiest tail! :D


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