Daughter and Granddaughter Visiting

 Daughter and granddaughter arrived for the weekend loving the fact that it was much cooler here. In South Gloucestershire its been 28C all night in her bedroom and over 30C in the day, so she hasn't had much sleep for the past week. It's usually a few degrees cooler here as we are near the coast. Dogs both had a bath to prepare for their arrival as Lily has allergies to most animals. I've developed the same over the last 3 years and need antihistamines most days. Strange how you can suddenly develop an allergy as I've always had dogs without any problems. The 2 we have shed hair constantly all year so perhaps that's why. It was OHs birthday this week so Lily came bearing Whisky and Malteasers which was very welcome.

They all went off blackberry picking this morning which will go nicely with the cooking apples we picked at the pub. So apart from making crumble mix it will be free. Have already put some blackberries in the freezer leftover from the last blackberry picking session. They went early so the dogs could be walked before it became too hot. It reached 26C again today. Tomorrow I'm making 2 crumbles as Lily wants one to take home. Going to try making it in the food processor hope it works OK lol.

Fell asleep for an hour this afternoon which is unusual for me. Probably because it's hot and humid so I'm not sleeping as late as usual. Tonight it's just started raining hard so that should clear the air a bit. There's a rumble of thunder here too. Will help with the gardening as we have a hosepipe ban at the moment. You're only allowed to water food eg fruit,  vegetables, herbs with a hosepipe. Also, you can hose for health and safety reasons like blocked gutters, car windows, cleaning after animals. Other things like flowers and lawns has to be watered with a watering can. 

Strangely, I'm selling warm fleecy Pajamas atm in this hot weather on ebay. I think people must be getting ready for winter early! Sold a few Xmas items too. Lily tells me she has 2 more bags of clothes in the car for me to sell! I'll never run out of stock at this rate lol.

Bye for now All the best x


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