
 Well the rain poured down at the beginning of the week and several areas were badly flooded. We were lucky not to be affected by it where we live but Dawlish and Kenton were cut off with flooded roads apparently at one point. The stream running through Dawlish poured with brown muddy water into the sea. 

Dawlish Town

A lifeboat just incase anyone fell in the brown sea.

We live high up on a hill so we're well away from the floods. My friend warned me that Dawlish town can flood occasionally so I'm really glad we took her advice, when we were looking around south Devon for our move. Exeter Airport was also flooded and flights cancelled, and parts of Exeter including Ikea car park. I feel so sorry for the homes and businesses that were sadly affected.

One of our dogs jumped in a deep puddle the next day at the park, and drunk the dirty water. This dog never drinks nicely like other dogs. She puts her whole long spaniel nose in the bowl or puddle to drink lol. Cue one upset stomach that evening but ok the next day. Decided to give both dogs a worm treatment just incase as flood water is filthy. It's still raining on and off today so I've had a lazy day not doing much. Sold 4 things on ebay and son helped me pack everything and tidy up the spare packaging I have. I'm halfway through listing the latest donations from daughter. Planning to do the rest of the clothes tomorrow. OH, I started Xmas shopping today, bought some sticky labels, wrapping paper and bottle bags. I always give a tin of chocolates, biscuits and bottle of booze to my adult children at Xmas. Then the sons get money and daughter likes presents so she sends me a list.

Bye for now All the best x


  1. I'm glad your house is on higher grounds and you are not flooded out!


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