Busy Weekend

 Well the weekend was busy as we had a full house. John, our eldest son rang at 6.30pm to say he was on the way to visit us with Carmen, our 11yr old granddaughter. They caught the train and OH picked them up from the station. John doesn't drive since having spinal surgery which left part of his foot numb. It's improved since and doctors have cleared him to drive but he choses not to. It was a mad rush to move the ironing pile and OHs clothes from the spare room to make up the Z bed for Carmen. Our youngest son,  Mark, helped make up the bed with me. John brought a large inflatable bed with him which we put in the lounge. Granddaughter loves the beach collecting shells, and the slot machines.

Mark had a phone call from his employer's health department on Saturday to arrange a medical. He's been staying here on and off for a few months now as he's had back problems but is much better now. He's hoping he can return to work as  soon as possible as he loves his job. He left this morning, and John and Carmen left yesterday afternoon. So it's just me and OH for now  but not for long. We are looking after Ava, our 9yr old granddaughter, half term later in October, as daughter is on a trip with her friend.

Today I've just concentrated on getting all the bedding washed and put away. It's been nice and sunny so a good drying day for washing. Started cleaning the fridge and will finish it tomorrow. I made broccoli in a cheese sauce for tea to go with the gammon steak OH was cooking. The dogs seem quiet since Mark left as they were very attached to him. 

Bye for now All the best x 


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