Not my home lol
Came home last Wednesday and the motorway was clear which makes a change. Set the satnav to home but it had magically moved my home address to the centre of Exeter!! Actually, very near to the climbing wall activity center where Ava went when she stayed with us!! As OH used his own satnav and not mine I can only presume Ava changed it when she was playing a game on my phone!! Half an hour detour around busy traffic in Exeter with lots of one way roads. Note to self supervise Ava when she plays on my phone lol.
Molly dog went to the groomers yesterday as her fur was very uneven and woolley. OH had tried to cut it with clippers resulting in a hedgehog cut - up down up down lol. Our other spaniel has straight thick hair so only needs a trim once a year as OH trims her feet. They shed hair all year round so I'm really glad I have a robot vacuum to keep up with it.
Tonight I decided to clean out the under sink cupboard and discovered a slight water leak. It's coming from the boiler again so will have to ring the gas engineer in the morning. Will be the second time this year it's started leaking. It's old so we should probably be replacing it - might ask the engineer how much it would be when I ring him.
OH had his covid jab yesterday so he's not feeling well today. He spent the afternoon in bed, got up for tea then back to bed at 8.30. I'm not having any more due to really bad side effects after each one. I've had 3 altogether, and lost consciousness after each one, plus other severe symptoms. OH has been fine with his though - just really tired and achey. The way I see it I have more chance of dying from falling unconscious in the road or while driving than I do of dying from covid, which I've already recovered from once. Plus, I could end up with a broken leg or hip when I land on the ground. So I've decided not to have anymore. I've never fainted in my life before or since so I'm convinced it was a result of the vaccine as exactly 3 days after each time. The first 2 were AZ so I took a chance with the 3rd as it was Pfizer but same thing happened. I suppose they don't suit everyone and don't suit me.
Bye for now All the best x
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