Feeling Better at Last

 Managed to go out and get started on the Xmas shopping yesterday, first time since I came home. I'm on antibiotics, steroids, inhaler, coldsore cream, actimel (for the bad stomach from the antibiotics) and sudafed. Did a Covid test which was negative. Lots of people online saying they have this - they call it the 3 week cold! Some think it could be a new Covid varient not being picked up by the tests. It's a really bad cold, no temperature but a bad chest infection. Saw a doctor last week who put me on a nebuliser in the surgery. Never had one before. Normally I don't take any regular medication just use the inhaler once or twice when I walk uphill, every couple of months. I'm definitely improving this week and catching up on cleaning and washing.

We're still trying to empty the freezer so tomorrow I'm cooking blackberry and apple sponge and maybe a fruit crumble too. That should use up the fruit we have left. Wrote all the Xmas cards and posted them today. I know its early but last year some cards didn't arrive until mid January, so I thought I'd start earlier this year.

Ebay sales are going well - sold 5 things last week and have another 5 to post on Monday so far. I'm also selling rosemary as we have a huge bush in the back garden and another in the front garden. OH kept cutting it down and throwing it out so I thought I'd sell it instead. I'm only making £1 on each sale, but at least it's not being thrown away which I don't like to do. 

We had a few flakes of snow here the other day but it didn't pitch. I was so disappointed as I love walking in the snow but fingers crossed we may get some more nearer Xmas. Told OH we should have retired up north as they get plenty there 😆 OH has a 4x4 which was great when I was working as a PA to disabled people. I didn't let anyone down in the snow as he could drive through it and take me to work.

Bye for now All the best x 


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