Staying at Home

 Not much happening here atm as I'm staying in as much as possible to rest my broken ankle. Although it doesn't hurt to walk on it I'm very conscious of the fact it is broken and I should limit walking. Quite difficult when pain doesn't remind you though.

Daughter hasn't had much luck recently as all her downstairs electric went off on Sunday. Managed to get an electrician out to check and next day to rewire the downstairs lighting. He couldn't trace the fault but it all worked fine. Eldest son plastered in the channels he cut, then when it was dry daughter started painting. She loosened the socket the boiler fitter's electrician had installed for power to the boiler and all the lights went out again.  Closer inspection revealed he had put the screw holding the cover plate on through the brown live cable inside the socket! This meant the screw was live so thankfully granddaughter never touched this switch. I told her he needs reporting for this as it's very dangerous and probably could have caught fire. The boiler installer definitely shouldn't use him again.

Only been out once since we came home when OH spotted a car for sale. Its the same make and model as mine but 2 years older and 3 door. He drives a big 4×4 diesel car atm which was ideal for working on the farm and towing our caravan. But he's retired now, and we've sold the caravan as we're living on the coast. He's going to fold the back seats down and put up a grid for the dogs in the back. So it will end up a 2 seater car which is fine for us. Quite surprised how small cars have increased in price though since I bought mine last year.

It's been very windy here but nothing damaged thankfully, just a few plant pots blown over. I've been keeping busy with ebay sales as people are still buying toys and summer clothing. Trying to get everything listed before we go back to daughter's, in a few weeks time, to house sit for the delivery of the new kitchen units. 

Bye for now All the best x 


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