Home Alone

 It's a Labour government now here in the UK. My family all voted differently, we are a mixed bunch. We had 3 Reform, 1 Conservative, 1 Green and 1 didn't bother voting. It's nice that we can all discuss it calmly and nobody condems anyone for their choice. I'm just hoping Labour will sort out the boat people as too many are dying, and the NHS, especially the dentists, needs urgent attention.

We now have an empty house again as youngest son left today. OH is sat quietly watching the football final, meanwhile I'm catching up on the washing. Everything went well this time apart from DGD having a nose bleed on my new duvet covers. Thankfully  it was only a few small spots so didn't mark the duvet underneath, and it all came out OK in a normal wash. Really shouldn't be messing about on the bed as she banged her nose on the headboard. Kids will be kids I suppose lol.

Had a very, very late night last night so I haven't really done anything today. I was on my way to bed just after 1am (my normal time) when I decided to check the news on my phone. Couldn't believe that Trump had been shot in America. I put the TV back on straight away and watched it all unfold. Thankfully, he's OK and the bullet just hit his ear. Such a brave man in his late 70s, and he's determined to carry on with another rally tomorrow. I should add here I've never liked him for various reasons, particularly because he's a convicted criminal, and had some crazy ideas during covid, and the last election when he lost. However, having said that nobody deserves to be attacked doing their job and I do admire his bravery carrying on regardless. If it was me I'm sure I'd be hiding in a cellar for a long time. Brought back memories of my dad telling me the president of America had been shot years ago when I was young. It was Kennedy.

Went to the car boot again last week and bought a lovely soft, fluffy, lined white cardie just my size. Only £3 and very clean in almost new condition. All washed and in the wardrobe ready. I always wash everything just incase. OH bought 2 more pots and yet another plant.

I wasn't successful in getting a blue badge so OH will have to drop me off in the car. Shame really as it means I can't risk driving myself anywhere with steep hills incase I can't park. Think I will wait and apply again next year. 

Another busy week this week as we're off shopping in Exeter tomorrow for daughter's birthday present šŸŽ She wants a chocolate fountain as her one broke after last  year's Halloween party. Don't really want to buy online as I'd like to see the size first. Will call in and see my friend in the afternoon, and OH will try and make a start erecting her greenhouse. Son declined to help as his back is better than it was but not good enough for heavy work. He doesn't want to be off work again and is still on reduced hours.

Bye for now All the best x

PS I hope you enjoy reading my blog. All comments welcome 


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