Meal out, Visiting & Politics

 Mark (son) came back last week so we weren't alone for long lol. We went to a very good Indian restaurant in Teignmouth to celebrate OH's birthday. The meal was great, yes we've been there before, and the staff are lovely. We really felt at home.⁰

Managed to visit my friend in Exeter with Mark and OH this week. Finally sorted out a day we were all free to finish putting together her greenhouse. I think there was only 4 or 5 panes of glass that needed putting in to complete it. Love going there for a good catch up and her homemade biscuits.

Can't believe someone was intending to assassinate Trump again. I was really shocked by the news. Now he might be controversial, a criminal, senile, and quite honestly barking mad but he's an elderly man. And he doesn't deserve to die. Nobody deserves to be attacked doing there job especially, or at any other time for that matter.

Being honest I'm not very happy with our PM Kier Starmer and how he's stopped the Winter Fuel Payment for many pensioners. Some people don't have any savings and are only £1 or £2 over the limit to be eligible for it. Many disabled pensioners will miss out on it too. We are OK as we have some savings and a very small private pension, but many other people don't have any safety net. Other rumours are that he will stop pensioners' free bus passes, cancel road tax and instigate a 'Pay per Mile' scheme, stop free prescriptions for pensioners, and cancel the 25% reduction of Council tax charges we currently have for single occupancy. This will also impact pensioners who are in poor health and live alone, as well as many other single people.

Can't wait for the budget in October. Come back Boris or Rishi all is forgiven.

Bye for now All the best x 



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