Changing appointment!!

 Went to daughter's house for Halloween which is what we do every year. It was really nice as granddaughter had a friend come to go trick or treat with her. Daughter went too just around the local streets. I'm sure granddaughter loves Halloween more than Xmas lol. Our son came for the evening, and we all went for a meal the next day before coming home. Only home for 2 nights and son came to visit as he had 2 days off. I think he'd like to live here really but there's very few jobs in his profession here, and almost no flat rentals available.

Well 2 days after son went home I started getting text messages from the dentist cancelling my late November appointment and re-booking it for Saturday at 1pm. Then an hour later another text bringing it forward to 11.00. So back to daughter's home for last weekend again!! Had a quick check up, no treatment needed tg and next appointment is May 2025. Really wish I could find a NHS dentist here as 100miles is a long way, especially when they keep changing the date and times at short notice. Nice dentist though I do like her.

Spent today catching up on housework and washing which has been a bit neglected lately lol. It badly needed a good clean as we have 2 spaniels that moult all year! I don't know if it's a spaniel thing but all my other dogs have been twice a year in moult. Vet said not to worry as there's no bald patches anywhere and they're fit and healthy.

                  Well Behaved Dogs
Bye for now  All the best x 


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