Not Well

 OH has had a cough and cold for a while and so unfortunately I've now caught it. My main problem is that as I've COPD every cold ends up in a bad chest infection. After a few days trying with Sudafed and paracetamol I knew I needed to see the Dr. Our phones were down due to the recent storms damaging the masts, so OH took me to the surgery. The receptionist was absolutely lovely as she could see and hear how ill I was. Gave me an appointment in an hour's time there and then. My chest was so noisy it was quite embarrassing infront of the Dr. She wouldn't have needed the stethoscope to hear my breathing. Prescribed antibiotics and steroids again, and told to come back straight away if it gets worse or doesn't clear up. Wonderful caring Drs here in Devon - we're so lucky. Finished the tablets today and I am feeling a bit better but still not completely cured. May need to go back if it gets worse again. OH has been good, making drinks, cooking meals, vacuuming, etc. It's difficult to do anything when you're breathless all the time. My dogs seem to know I'm ill and keep trying to sniff my mouth and chest. Also, cuddling up to me a lot more than usual. Perhaps they can smell the infection idk.

Ebay is very slow atm but I'm quite pleased it is. I was going to put it on hold for a week but as only one thing sold I haven't needed to. 

Well nothing much happening here, except I'm pretty fed up being in the house all the time. Must try and get out tomorrow if only for a ride in the car.

Bye for now All the best x 


  1. Oh no, how awful, you must be so sick of - well - feeling sick! (not feeling well I mean). Plus it's so frustrating when you're stuck at home not feeling well enough to go out. I hope you feel lots better very soon.

  2. Thanks Sooze I'm slowly improving but not fit yet. Think this is probably flu as there's a lot of it about x


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