
Showing posts from March, 2025

Hairdresser, Banks and Dog Tablets.

 The new hairdresser still didn't bother to wash my hair, despite me telling her when I booked the appointment that I definately wanted it washed and cut! She just sprayed it with a water spray, which is more than the last hairdresser did. The cut is fine but at £23 I do think she could have afforded the water to wash it. I never have it dried anyway, so there's no cost on electricity. I had a major coughing and sneezing episode at the salon, which was my fault entirely. I take allergy meds every morning due to my dog allergy as we have 2 dogs. But, I forgot to take it until I was just leaving the house, and it takes around an hour to work. Hairdresser had an adorable labrador dog in the salon that I couldn't resist cuddling and smoothing while I was waiting for her to finish another customer's hair. Thankfully, the coughing had stopped by the time she was ready to cut my hair, as the tablets had started to take effect. So, that's another hairdresser I won't be ...

Vet, Teignmouth and Trump

 Back to the vet today and it's better but still not cleared up. The vet prescribed more antibiotics to extend the course to 9 days. Hopefully that should clear it up. She's so active in herself you would never know there was anything wrong. Dogs seem to cope much better than us.  We called in OH's localish pub on the way home. It was so cold in there we didn't stay long. I wish they would put some heating on. I know it's expensive but they have a log burner that they had just started lighting at 5.30pm as we were leaving. Just a few men were in there and all had thick coats on.  OH had a nice surprise, though, as he'd won a leg of lamb in the meat raffle last weekend. Ive had to put it in the freezer as we've already bought shopping for this week.             Biscuit Cutters for Easter Tomorrow we're off to Teignmouth to get my hair cut and then going to the shops. I love looking in the charity shops, and need a few things from Superdrug whi...

An update & a poorly dog

Daughter's doing well on the granddaughter's bedroom. I've had several updates, photos, and long phone converstions about it all. Walls are painted, new carpet fitted, and wardrobe and bed on order. Then the problems start! The wardrobe is lovely and it's coming on Saturday. She just thinks she can put it together on her own! It's over 6ft tall and 4'6" wide with heavy sliding mirror doors. So OH is going to help and so is Mark, her brother. I'm staying here with the dogs as it's quite upside-down there with the old furniture everywhere. That should hopefully prevent 6 slipped discs and a broken wardrobe, as daughter isn't very tall or muscular lol. The bed is taking 6 weeks to deliver but at least it's been purchased. Rumour has it she was 4 hours in the bed shop lolol poor staff                 The cone of shame  We have an ill dog here atm with a burst absess on an anal gland. Doesn't look ill as eating, drinking, running around norma...