Hairdresser, Banks and Dog Tablets.

 The new hairdresser still didn't bother to wash my hair, despite me telling her when I booked the appointment that I definately wanted it washed and cut! She just sprayed it with a water spray, which is more than the last hairdresser did. The cut is fine but at £23 I do think she could have afforded the water to wash it. I never have it dried anyway, so there's no cost on electricity. I had a major coughing and sneezing episode at the salon, which was my fault entirely. I take allergy meds every morning due to my dog allergy as we have 2 dogs. But, I forgot to take it until I was just leaving the house, and it takes around an hour to work. Hairdresser had an adorable labrador dog in the salon that I couldn't resist cuddling and smoothing while I was waiting for her to finish another customer's hair. Thankfully, the coughing had stopped by the time she was ready to cut my hair, as the tablets had started to take effect. So, that's another hairdresser I won't be going back to - if they can't wash it, they sure aren't cutting it again. Soap dodgers lol.

Another banking app has gone down today. This time it's Santander and the other day it was Lloyds. Barclays the other week too. Now I'm definitely not a conspiracy theorist but it does appear strange that several of our banks are experiencing outrages one after the other. I'm definitely wondering if someone or some country is targeting us to affect our economy. Of course it could be they all use the same servers or IT software. I hope it's nothing sinister anyway. What was it James Bond said, once is Happenstance twice is Coincidence and three times is Enemy Action lolol.

Our dog is still on the antibiotics, 2 a day. The last dose is Saturday and she will be quite disappointed about it. I use soft cheese triangles to give the tablets and she loves them. I break each triangle into 3 pieces. Put the pill in the middle piece making sure it's fully covered in the cheese. Give the first piece plain, give the second with the pill and immediately before she can chew or swallow it push the third piece towards her mouth. She will swallow the pill piece whole to grab the third piece. Works every time with every dog I've ever had. Even one that was a very fussy eater. You have to be quick though with the last piece lol. HTH any dog owners reading this here.

Bye for now All the best Sally x 


  1. I wouldn't fancy paying £23 for a dry cut and no blow dry either. My hairdresser used to charge £12, then put it up to £14 just before we moved here.

  2. The one before was £24 and I always have just a trim ie straight around, no layers no fringe. It's very expensive here compared to South Glos where we used to live. Think I will start having it cut when we stay with our daughter who still lives there


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