
You're never alone for long lol

 We had almost 2 weeks here on our own which was nice to get things organised. I'd started back on developing a routine for the housework and decluttering. I'm trying to follow the Flylady method but it's difficult with so many coming and going. Sorted the cutlery drawers so only 9 of each knives, forks and spoons - that the maximum number here at any one time. Made a start on the filing and ebay listing too. OH bought some arm covers for the sofa as our dogs tend to jump onto them and they have sharp claws. He also bought a cheap wooden small table to fit on the armchair so I though the old rickety table had been binned. Then I discovered it in the conservatory painted blue with a plant on top!!! He's definitely a hoarder. I must admit it does look rather nice! Went to a jumble sale last weekend - haven't been to one for years. Didn't really want anything but I bought 3 tops as it was a charity event. We stopped in a nearby cafe for coffee and cake afterwards.

It's arrived!

 I spent yesterday catching up on the washing and washed the floor ready for the sofa delivery. It was very empty in here with the only armchair left put in the conservatory, along with everything else OH had dumped in there. Manage to do a few rows of knitting, at least I've started it now after several months of it being in the cupboard.  Sofa and chair arrived this afternoon so spent an hour helping OH unpack and deciding how to arrange it. It's a bit larger than our old suite and reclines, so needs to be away from the wall quite a bit. A lot firmer too as the old one's springs were giving way. Excuse the orchids OH thinks we live in a florists lol It does look quite nice I must admit but it's much more tidy than usual! Trying to keep the dogs off will be a work of art. We do have velour blankets to put on which should protect it for a while. OH has insisted on keeping his old  rickety, scratched table for now. I suppose it gives it a homely look lol. The old faithfu

Alone at last!

 Son went home and I started to catch up on the housework and washing. Then came a phone call 3 days later, from my sister Amy wanting to come and visit! I couldn't say no as its 4 years since she visited us so it was pull out the folding bed and get it made up ready. She got a bit lost on the way here and took 3 hours to arrive, double the time needed.  Amy stayed for 2 nights so we had a good catch up on the family gossip. We've now been on our own  for just over a week. Chaotic here atm as I had a call about our new sofa this morning and it's arriving in 3 days time. Not much notice really. So today OH did 2 runs to the local tip after sawing the sofa in half to fit in the car. It was a comfy old 3 piece suite we bought from a charity shop 4 years ago but is now well past its best. Our local council would have charged £64 to pick it up so taking it to the tip was a lot cheaper, as OHs car is very economical on petrol. Oh the joys of having dogs, the amount of hair undern

Meal out, Visiting & Politics

 Mark (son) came back last week so we weren't alone for long lol. We went to a very good Indian restaurant in Teignmouth to celebrate OH's birthday. The meal was great, yes we've been there before, and the staff are lovely. We really felt at home.⁰ Managed to visit my friend in Exeter with Mark and OH this week. Finally sorted out a day we were all free to finish putting together her greenhouse. I think there was only 4 or 5 panes of glass that needed putting in to complete it. Love going there for a good catch up and her homemade biscuits. Can't believe someone was intending to assassinate Trump again. I was really shocked by the news. Now he might be controversial, a criminal, senile, and quite honestly barking mad but he's an elderly man. And he doesn't deserve to die. Nobody deserves to be attacked doing there job especially, or at any other time for that matter. Being honest I'm not very happy with our PM Kier Starmer and how he's stopped the Winter

Finally empty here but not for long!

 Son went home 2 days ago but at the same time OH's old friend Keith from his diving days rang and came to visit. It was great to see him as he hasn't been in touch for at least 9 or 10 years except a few messages on FB. So it was a case of 3 out and 1 in again lol. My lovely neighbour said one day I could always pop round for coffee if I was ever lonely ha ha chance would be a fine thing living here! Keith stayed for 2 nights to explore the area. He's buying a fishing boat and looking at possible moorings along the coast. OH would enjoy that and will probably go fishing with him if it's fairly local. As soon as Keith left this morning OH stripped out the sitting room ready to decorate. We went to Trago Mills last week to buy the paint which was a good price. Nothing fancy, just plain white ceiling and walls with the chimney breast changing from grey to red to match the rug and curtains, and black behind the log burner. While at Trago we ordered a new sofa and armchair,

No Vacancies lol

 Travelled to see daughter for her birthday at the end of July, and she loved the chocolate fountain. Stayed a few nights and then OH took her and granddaughter to the airport as they are off on holiday to Venice, then cruising to Barcelona. We were going to stay another day to visit family but son is having builders in so is emptying the bedroom and dining room ready for the plasterers. Brother-in-law is away, and sisters not home so we came home the same day. We had arranged to bring our other 2 grandchildren with us while the builders were working but son got the dates wrong. OH picked them up from Bridgewater as daughter-in-law met him there the week after. Grandchildren stayed for 10 days and were well behaved tg. The bedrooms were in a state as they are both very untidy, half empty cans everywhere, makeup and nail varnish on the sheet (it missed my new duvet covers thankfully) sweets all over the floor, drawers open with clothes hanging out etc. I didn't mind as it was easier

Home Alone

 It's a Labour government now here in the UK. My family all voted differently, we are a mixed bunch. We had 3 Reform, 1 Conservative, 1 Green and 1 didn't bother voting. It's nice that we can all discuss it calmly and nobody condems anyone for their choice. I'm just hoping Labour will sort out the boat people as too many are dying, and the NHS, especially the dentists, needs urgent attention. We now have an empty house again as youngest son left today. OH is sat quietly watching the football final, meanwhile I'm catching up on the washing. Everything went well this time apart from DGD having a nose bleed on my new duvet covers. Thankfully  it was only a few small spots so didn't mark the duvet underneath, and it all came out OK in a normal wash. Really shouldn't be messing about on the bed as she banged her nose on the headboard. Kids will be kids I suppose lol. Had a very, very late night last night so I haven't really done anything today. I was on my w